How Mangal dosh happen its causes and solutions

Mangalik Dosha is a standout amongst the most talked about thing in the Indian human culture. One of the major dosha of your kundali is to check Mangalik dosha. To check Mangalik or non-mangalik is essential as though a mangalik and non-mangalik gets hitched then the individual will undoubtedly kick the bucket. The Mangalik Dosha fluctuates from individuals to individuals. This is the manner by which to know mangalik and check mangalik or non mangalik.


How can it happen?

This is the best approach to check mangalik dosha. In a human horoscope graph, there are around twelve houses. On the off chance that blemishes is situated in the first, second, fourth, seventh, eighth or twelfth place of the graph, at that point the individual should be under the Mangalik Dosha. It is viewed as that you check Mangalik Dosha and the individual is under the negative impact of the planet Mars. This will enable you to check mangalik or non-mangalik by nature.

when Mangal causes the issue:

  1. At the point when the Mars is said to be in the primary house, there are high odds of contentions and brutality.
  2. At the point when the Mars is said to be in the second house, it is anticipated to influence the group of the individual upsetting marriage and expert life.
  3. At the point when the Mars is said to be in the fourth house, it is watched that the individual has disappointment in proficient life and continue exchanging employments.
  4. At the point when the Mars is said to be in the seventh house, it is seen that the individual is testy.
  5. At the point when the Mars is said to be in the eighth house, the individual has high shots from being far from senior citizens and lose fatherly property.
  6. At the point when the Mars is said to be in the tenth house, the individual is essentially experiencing psychological instability and has monetary misfortunes to his or her foes.
  7. We have to know how to know Mangalik Dasha from the Lagna and the Moon. The Mangalik Dosha ends up compelling on the off chance that it is for both Lagna and the Moon. The presence of the mangal will enable you to check mangalik dosha.

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Attributes to check Mangalik Dosha

  1. Both the genders of individuals can have Mangalik Dasha.
  2. Mangal or the Mars is the planet, which indicates animosity and hot-tempered nature of a man.
  3. The Mangalik, which have furiousness in them, have a considerable measure of vitality inside. This vitality is extremely unique and the should be differentiated appropriately and properly. On the off chance that the vitality isn’t channelized legitimately, it might leave to damaging tendency.
  4. The Mangalik dosha is viewed as negative and is frequently identified with bigotry, rivalry, struggle and calamity.
  5. The psychological life can be influenced by the mangalik dosha and it is critical to check mangalik dosa.
  6. The mangalik dosha causes dissensions in the marriage and extreme strain.
  7. It might likewise cause delay in the propositions to be engaged so we should check mangalik doshaat a beginning time.
  8. Mangaliks in extremely uncommon case can be exploited in relational unions.
  9. The evil impacts of the Mangalik Dosha can be dismissed if the individual is conceived in Tuesday.
  10. There is even a conviction that individuals who have abuseed their accomplices in the past life can have Mangalik Dosha.

Solutions for beat the evil impacts of Mangalik Dosha:

  1. To get a marriage between two Mangaliks.
  2. It is frequently trusted that the two negatives turn into a positive. They say that both the Mangaliks get hitched and invalidate the impact.

The specialty of Kumbh Vivaah

After you know how mangalik the individual is, she needs to wed a banana tree or a peepal tree. She can likewise wed a Gold or silver Lord Vishnu symbol to get over Mangalism.

The fasting arrangement

The fasting on each Tuesday is thought to be an extremely viable arrangement. Amid the fasting, the Mangaliks should not eat the pidgeon or toor daal after you check mangalik or non mangalik nature of the individual.

Droning the reverential mantras

Droning Navgraha Mantra definitely known as the Mangal Mantra can help diminish the Mangalik weight of the Grahas. Droning the gayatri mantra 108 times each day can be extremely compelling with preceding mangalik dosha after you know how mangalik dosha you are.

Help in Performing poojas and bhaktis in sanctuaries

After you check Mangalik or Non mangalik, The decrease of the Mangalik Dosha can benefit from outside intervention by visiting different Navagraha sanctuaries. After you know how mangalik or non mangalik nature you have, Things like the sword and blade are offered pacify the planet damages or the mangal. Keeping in mind the end goal to conciliate the high negative impact of the planet damages we can offer nourishments like lenthil daal, wheat bread and red stones.

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  1. Pearl stones Astrologers frequently offer and encourage to wear a red coral stone in a gold ring on the ring finger of the correct hand after you check mangalik or non mangalik.
  2. To get hitched after the age of 28
  3. The force of the dosha can descend if the individual under Mangalik Dosha gets hitched after the age of 28.
  4. When you check mangalik and non mangalik, you feed the feathered creatures with sweet
  5. To revere the banyan tree with drain which is sweet help you know mangalik dosha
  6. To begin giving red garments to the laborers who work with the sharp iron things.
  7. Individuals trust that a Pooja in the unique mangal nath sanctuary in Ujjain will lessen the Mangalik Dosha.
  8. To keep an orange hued master Ganesh icon in the loving room of your home and love it every day with contributions.
  9. When you have check mangalik nature, he or she needs to go under Vishnu Vivaah, Kumbha Vivaah and the Ashwath Vivaah.
  10. These cures will enable you to handle the negative Mangalik Dosha in each conceivable way. They enable you to dispose of the Indian superstition and reality of society.

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