Delay in Marriage:- Is It Due to Mangal Dosha

Mars is a red planet and the shading red symbolizes ill will, infuriates and masculinity. Planet Mars rules guts, conviction, energy, affirmation, goal, and encouragement. It urges us to confront challenges and to be our best. Attestation and a testing, bold nature fulfill this planet. It brings Mangal Dosha

Mars, the God of War, is the pioneer of Aries. In crystal gazing, Mars is the planet of essentials, movement, and longing for. It is the survival sense and can be considered as the “rest of the” animal idea of man. Mars in Ascendant influences a man to look energetic. It controls energy and shows strong and wild sexual want.

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Mars assumes an essential part in a marriage of a young lady and kid. The ‘imperfection or dosh’ made by the planetary position of Mars is known as Mangal Dosha. Mangal dosha is totally in light of the planetary status. As indicated by Vedic Astrology birth cycle of a conceived if Mangal is available in first, fourth, seventh, eighth and twelfth house, at that point such a circumstance is known as the ‘locals conceived Manglik’ . This condition is considered greatly ominous for marriage, stress, and chaos in relationship, unordinary and offensive episode, requirements, and uneasiness in work, at home and any sort of mysteriously harm and issues caused by the blame of quickened Asamayik of death.

As per soothsaying, a Manglik young lady or kid ought to wed another Manglik. In the event that the lady of the hour and prepare both have Mangal dosha yoga, at that point it gets counterbalanced or wiped out. Fundamentally, as per the idea of the planet Mars, this yoga is hurtful , however with certain Vedic ceremonies and strategies, impacts could be effectively lessened.

How might we decrease the Effect of Mars or Mangal Dosha 

The red coral gemstone is controlled by means of planet Mars. Red coral declines the effect of Mangalik Dosha and bring concordance among a couple and upgrades the relationship . It controls the lack of caution and bothers.

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As said above, if the two assistants are Manglik then this gets discredited and all the horrendous effects get balance. Mangal Pooja(Bhat Pooja) or Ritual in Mangal Nath Temple-Mangal Nath Temple is masterminded in Holy City Ujjain on Mangal Nath road on the bank of River Shipra and orchestrated on the land line of ‘Tropic of Cancer’. The Mangal pooja is performed by intellectuals and if performed for Mangal Shanti.





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